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Access your best results by hiring one of our web plans, seize the moment and start your web presence project.

Choose below one of our plans that best fits your needs. 

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free plan

1. First step, we create your Instagram/Facebook account;
2. Planning for post scheduling;
3. Definition of the post creation line;
4. Layouts and Arts for 8 monthly posts;
5. Management of ADS (metrics for boosts);

prime plan

1. Social Branding, positioning your brand;

2. Instagram /  Facebook;

3. . Planning for post scheduling;

4.  Layouts and Arts for 12  monthly posts;

5. Management of ADS (metrics for boosts);

hex plane

1. Management of your company's campaigns on the web;

2. Website creation* + Social networks**

3. Layouts, Arts and Writing for Social Media, banners and digital folders;

4. Ads for Google and Social Media and metrics for boosts;

master plan

1. Digital Marketing Planning;

2. Website Creation* + Social Networks + Branding;

3. Layouts, Arts and Writing for Social Media, banners and digital folders;

4. Ads for Google,  Social network and metrics for boosts;

5. Management of your brand for web presence;

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